Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV— Spring 2015

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Semester: Spring 2015
Course Name: Landscape Architecture Design Studio IV
Instructor Name: Archana Sharma
Student Names: Eric Farrow, Ali Salimiah, Walida Smith

Project Info: Safe Streets for Baltimore, focused on enhancing safety for its citizen by preventing traffic accidents through street, road, transportation system re-design. This required innovations in current traffic calming strategies through design modifications at micro-scale and systemic applications at macro-scale.

Additionally, we innovated, by adapting the idea of day-lighting streams, to the streets. This was done by scraping layers of physical infrastructure and revealing history – streetcar in this case, which may have persisted through our transportation corridor. This in combination with place-making design interventions, humanizes our urban environment and provides Baltimore city with streets which are Complete, Green, Safe and thus Livable Streets.